嘉宾介绍 | 1/6 DJ Snake的得意弟子,格莱美奖项提名者FREEKILL

2020-08-07 04:14:39

DJ FreeKill





Born and raised in France, Freekill holds a major part in the new french generation of DJ’s.

作为第54、57连续两届格莱美奖年度专辑、最佳音乐录影带奖项提名、DJ Snake的得意门徒,Frbekill为诸多年轻人和音乐人所追捧和青睐。

As the first lie in September, the DR.OSCAR again in the Grammy Music Awards to search for the most promising supernova DJ FELLKILL. As the first 54,57 Grammy Award for the annual album, the best music video awards nominated DJ Snake proud disciples, Frbekill for many young people and musicians sought after and favor.


This is extremely talented electronic music People created music aspect electronic music industry, pop music, hip hop and rap music.


He is a young bass music producer,In addition to the DJ's identity.


DJ FREEKILL拥有多种乐风融合的巧思以及深具前卫性的电子音乐思维。

DJ FREEKILL has a variety of music fusion of ingenuity and deep avant-garde electronic music thinking. 


He is like a "hacker" in the music industry, whether it is country or jazz, whether it is independent or rock, Frbekill always through the "house" rhythm and rhythm of the integration of music, so that music on the basis of maintaining the original, glow another Dynamic and structured new vitality.


under the wonderful pen, both to maintain the original appearance of the electronic and become fashionable.



Well known for his remixes of « Gold » by Kiiara and « Hello » by Adele (supported by DJ Snake, among others) who has been played all around the world.

他发行的的第一首单曲是在知名DJ Chuckie和Carnage帮助下制作的《CYM(Call Your Mama)》。

He keeps confirming expectations put on him with his first single « C.Y.M. (Call Your Mama) » supported by Chuckie, Carnage. 

他还与Jay Psar在Maca音乐唱片公司合作发行了曲目«My Dawgs»,这首歌由4B,Sydney Samson支持制作,Aazar和Dillon Francis在美国大型户外音乐节Coachella上演奏了这首单曲。

He also released the track « My Dawgs » , in collaboration with Jay Psar, on Maca Music Label, supported by 4B, Sydney Samson, Aazar and played at Coachella by Dillon Francis.

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