
2020-10-06 19:37:09

这首Bel Sodfa是Nancy Ajram 2017年新专辑Hassa Beek中的一首

Hassa Beek这张专辑里有些歌还是挺耐听的,尤其歌词写得不错。。。一个不懂阿拉伯语的人竟然会觉得阿拉伯语歌词写得好,感觉好不科学╮(╯_╰)╭


例如这首Bel Sodfa,意思是偶然,英文翻译就是这样的:

I found out that you are a betrayer

You were not worth my loyalty

How were you not obvious?

You truly guided my feelings astray


They were talking about you

while I was sitting there

They were telling your story with a girl

They said that she swore to leave you

Because she suspects that you are having an affair with another girl


I want to know

Did you betray her with me or betray me with her?

You probably forgot!


Hurting me no longer matters to you

And you don't feel what is going on to me

Is it possible that you forgot all of this?

And all that matters to you, is finding out who let me know about it..

一段纠结的三角恋情跃然纸上,耳边响起了Rihanna的love the way you lie。。。我觉得歌中明显感觉女主其实听不希望知道真相的,这感情拧巴的……


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