2020-10-27 00:22:07
CQ Grooves 使得音乐和派对成为我们的生活中不可或缺的一部分,从一开始的音乐爱好者到派对参与者,再到DJ,逐渐寻找到属于自己的音乐风格。并来到Echo Bay与更多人分享快乐。CQ Grooves正是这样一个为电子音乐爱好者、Promoter、再到DJ或Producer而生的现场!
A night for the djs, producers and music lovers! A place for Back to Back DJ sessions, vinyl culture, open decks, analog instruments and electronic music jams! So take your music and lets enjoy the beats together!
Line up//
Eugene Paul
Eugene Paul从2009年开始他的音乐旅程,他深受摇滚乐队的影响,与此同时也创建了自己的乐队,并在其中担任过歌手,吉他手,键盘手,还进行歌曲的创作。Eugene Paul的原创专辑发行。在有了一系列的乐队经验之后,2012年他投身电子音乐领域,并组建了一只电子音乐乐队。他将自己的mix音乐上传到网上,分享自己的音乐作品,成为一名电子音乐DJ
Eugene Paul started his music journey 2009. He was influenced by a lots of rock bands and created his own one, where he was a singer, guitar and piano player and a songwriter.2011 the first album was created, recorded and produced by Eugene Paul. After few band tours he started to involve himself into electronic music and 2012 created electronic band. He was posting his mixes online, so everyone could listen it and help him to grow up as a DJ. Eugene Paul prefers underground music genres such as tech. house, techno, minimal, house and definitely knows how to rock the dance floor.
来自重庆竹林电子音乐节的发起者 cicipark俱乐部联合创始人Sunyoung(晓阳),一直致力于传播锐舞文化推动地下舞曲发展,并通过音乐和锐舞派对的形式表达 peace & love 的理念~ 多年的音乐累积和派对组织让他对电音舞曲具有独特的理解与品味~ 极简的音色使他的音乐非常抽象化,低音律动感极强 在他的现场中 你可以感受到他对律动的的热爱与控制和极简音色带给你的无限想象力 ~近年来活跃于各地电音俱乐部、锐舞派对以及电子音乐节,与来自国内外的优秀Dj和音乐人合作与交流 并积极参与 T for techno, Sub Berlin, Dusk till Dawn, instinct,Time to Jack.....等系列活动。
Sun Young is the initiator of Chongqing Bamboo Festival, founder of the Chongqing CICI club and the soul of Chongqing’s underground Dance development.With his main genres being Detroit soulful techno and London Underground tech-house,his music is very abstract:there is always a strong sense of rhythm control and bass present in his minimalistic sound.In recent years Sunyoung was actively participate in rave parties such as T for techno, Sub Berlin, Dust till Dawn, instinct,Time to Jack...and also performance at different underground clubs in different cities with his Dj friends.
/免费票 /
时间TIME // 晚上9点半开始, from 9: 30 PM - 2AM
地址 LOCATION // 重庆市 渝中区 曾家岩 名流公馆西区停车库旁
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