2020-07-16 22:17:59
15:00 — 17:30
09:00 — 17:30
Oil Painting Town
US-China Business Association
Guangzhou Size Design Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Digital Music Element Co., Ltd
Abiola Akintola
阿比奥拉-阿金杜拉( Abiola Akintola),来自芝加哥,原籍尼日利亚,自9岁就正式学习艺术,他掌握了从人体素描、解剖、肖像到雕塑等制作的精湛技艺,获得了雕塑学位,继而将雕塑艺术表现在表达绘画艺术之中。他的作品激发人们思维万千,并嵌入了多层次的含义和视觉享受,并创造了神秘的光环,给人以积极向上的震撼。阿比奥拉被认为是当今艺术界最具创新和活力的艺术家,他的作品在欧美和非洲国家受到热烈追捧和并在多国展览。欧巴马夫妇,成龙,NBA球星拉希德-华莱士,著名音乐家柯蒂斯-琼斯等名人都是他的收藏家。
Abiola is from Chicago, a native of Nigeria, and he began to study formal art at an early age of 9. From mastering the techniques of life-drawings, anatomy, portraiture figure-paintings, and sculpture, he proceeded to earn a college degree in Sculpture and exploited sculptural art as a translational form for representational and expressionistic paintings. Works by Abiola provoke contemplation of the recent past, the fleeting present and the unknown future, and delve into multiple layers of meanings and virtual plays to create mystic auras and positive vibrations. Abiola is considered as one of the most innovative and dynamic artist in the art scene today. His works has been exhibited and collected extensively throughout Europe and United States and Africa. Obamas,Jackie Chan, Rasheed Wallace, Curtis Jones, etc. are all his collectors.
吴融川Wu Rongchuan
Wu was born in Guangdong, China 1963, and graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in landscape painting of Chinese Brush Painting Department 1990 with honor, now he is the member of Guangdong Artist Association. Fond of and good at snow mountain and glacier, Wu is the distinguished designated artist of US-China Business Association. Many of his paintings are appreciated by collectors. His achievements have been highly recognized. One of his paintings “How Magnificent is the Mountain” was given to Dr. Kissinger as national gift.
Oleg Tsank
Born in Ukrainein 1983, and moved to the United States with his family at age 12, Oleg wasimmediately inspired by new scenery, and while attending middle school, he decidedto become an artist. Graduated in San Diego State University Art School withhonors, his works were received many awards in different cities. He is influencedby the School of Paris, in particular by Chaim Soutine and Amadeo Modigliani,and the Expressionists. Although Oleg is a gifted portraitist, his works oflandscape and still life painting have been honorable. He finds oils to be mostfascinating and suitable medium for his work.
Behzad Nazary
1959年2月出生于,从小喜欢画画,并在中年移居。工程学毕业后,开始他的艺术家生涯。35年来,在,日本,韩国,土耳其,迪拜,德国,法国,意大利,荷兰和一共举办12次个人展览,30多次团队展览,得到各大艺术家,机构和博物馆多个奖项和认同。他是Society ofIranian Painters会员,作品以土地,树木,花草为主,印象派画家,倾向以简单的方式通过画像传达复杂的万物世界而非细节。
Behzad Nazary was born on February 1959. In 35years of continual work, he had 12 solo exhibitions and participated in over 30group exhibitions in such countries as Iran, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Dubay,Germany, France, Italy,Holand and the USA. Throughout his professional career, hereceived awards and citations from painting biennials, competitions, artmuseums and art societies. He is a member of Society of Iranian Painters. Thestructure of his paintings is based on earth, trees, flowers and plants. Henever intends to concentrate on the details and has chosen the simplest form ofthe language of painting to express the complexities of the nature and worldaround. After immigrating to the united states and staying in San Diego, he hasstarted a new and exciting period of his artistic life.
Alex Toporovsky(Sasha)
Sasha was born in the city of Lvov, Ukraine in1971, and then he immigrated to the United States with his family. Upon theirarrival to the states, Sasha’s family settled in Chicago. At the age of nine,he and his mother relocated to Santa Barbra, CA. Sasha moved to San Diego, CAin 1985, where he attended high school and college. This was also where Sashastarted his Decorative arts company. Water in one form or another always comesinto play in many of his paintings. Growing up in Southern California, Sashahas always been influenced by the culture of Hollywood and the vivid colors ofmovies and magazines - not to mention the natural beauty of California.
Sasha works from painting on traditionalsurfaces, such as canvas, linen and board to painting on metal – stainlesssteel to be specific. Fish and sea are mostly his subjects. The effect on metalwill change as the viewer moves around the artwork. By burnishing the stainlesssteel before painting over it, this will cause 3D illusion of moving light. Thestrategy used in congruence with Sasha’s usage of vibrant thick brush strokeshelps the eye dance across his painting.
Marianne Friedrichs
作为其家族在圣地亚哥居住的第三代,Marianne 对海洋及其生物有着莫大的喜爱。她很多作品灵感来自海边风景和海洋。由于她对颜色的热衷,经常会尝试不同的技法。她对中国的象征物非常着迷。毕业于圣地亚哥大学,并取得工作室艺术专业学士学位,目前进修插图学硕士学位。擅长和喜爱用铅笔在木板上勾画她的想法和自然的美。
As a third generation San Diegan, Marianne
has a deep appreciation for the ocean and its unique inhabitants. Many of her paintings and drawings are inspired by the local coastline and sea creatures.
Because of Marianne’s fascination with color, she experiments extensively with
different hues and their relationships to one another. One of her favorite subjects is Chinese symbolism. Marianne has a BA in Studio Art and is currently working on her Master’s in Illustration. Her hobbies include drawing for hours,surfing and hanging out with family.
Qusay Tarq
1983年出生于伊拉克,从巴格达大学艺术学院获得学士学位,并毕业两年后获得硕士学位。,有丰富的艺术教学经验,在他国家的媒体上已有一定名气。5年前移居,并继续他的艺术职业生涯。他喜欢现代艺术,特别喜欢著名画家AndyWarhol 并深受他的画风影响。多年来的艺术素养已形成了自己的特色和技巧,是个快手画家。
Born in Iraq in 1983, Qusay earned his Bachelorin Art from Fine Arts Academy-University of Baghdad, Master's Degree inInfluence of Politics on Art 2011. As an activist of Human Rights, he hadexperience in teaching art, reporting, editing and graphic design in Iraq.Awards: from elite institution, Honor of theMinistry of Higher Education andScientific Research of the Iraqi Baghdad University Gallery, Free AtelierAward. He was widely reported by the magazine in his country. Five years ago,he moved to the US and continue his artist career. Influenced by Andy Warholand modern art, he has developed a unique style, and become a fast paintingartist.
Leonard Carapezza
Leonard从小受他叔叔影响学习画画,并发现自己的天赋和爱好。他的家人很多都是艺术家。他大部分的作品是油画,但是也喜欢用铅笔,水墨,水彩和粉彩表达他的画风,专注灯塔,旧汽车和火车为素材,同时也热衷风景,静物,偏向印象派和抽象。他很多作品被当地的博物馆收藏并展出。目前是圣地亚哥最具影响力的艺术家团体Spanish Village Art的会员。
As a youngster, Leonard Carapezza was influencedby watching his uncle paint. From then on he had some natural interest andabilities in art. His younger brother possesses this talent, also his grandson(and his wife) work as graphic artists in Chicago rounds out how art appears tobe a very prevalent a part of his family. The majority of his art isconcentrated on oil painting, Leonard is fond of using pen and ink, watercolor,and pastels occasionally. Lighthouses, car and trains are the subjects of manyof his paintings, but his work is also comprised of various subjects includingoutdoor landscapes, still lifes, whimsical objects, and some abstract andimpressionism studies. His piece of works are presented in many museums andevents.
Spanish Village Art Center (Regular Member),Soon to become an Associate Member
吴苗羽Wu Miaoyu
2014 作品“修行者之修行”入选首届江苏文化创意陶瓷艺术设计大赛
2016.12 作品“修行者之修行”获得首届中国(佛山)石湾杯陶瓷设计大赛当代陶艺组唯一金奖
2017.9作品“行走的路上”入选第七届北京国际美术双年展 中国美术馆
Born in Maoming, Guangdong 1983, Wu Miaoyu isnow studying at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts for her master degree, andworked at her own studio in Huangpu, Guangzhou. She participated and join quitenumber of solo shows and distinguished group shows across the country in thelast three years. Her works and sculptures are collected by the famous dancerYang Liping (Dancer in the dream), mayor of Christchurch, New Zealand (twopiece of works), Guangdong Lingnan Gongyi Fine Arts (Practitioner’s Walk), and BeijingInternational Art Biennial (Walking on the way)
杨国强Yang Guoqiang
个展:2017年“记忆残片”杨国强油画个展 广州九空间重要展览:
2017年君瑞汇青年艺术家项目第一回展 深圳华侨城
2017年“西部风景”国家艺术邀请展重庆泓艺 九州国际文化艺术中心
2015年“品象”广东小幅油画作品邀请展 关山月美术馆
2015年机构生产——广州青年当代艺术生态考察 广东美术馆
2014年“与艺术上床”广东当代中青年艺术展南岸至尚美术馆 广州
2014年“物象-开放的状态”佛山创作院 佛山
2014年“第五届广东当代油画艺术展”广东美术馆 广州
2012年“MicroSalon2012”作品展东京画廊日本 东京
2012年“首届全国中青年油画展”大芬美术馆 深圳
2012年“路无旅人”羊城创意产业园筑梦空间 广州
2012年“时代风采”金陵百家全国油画作品展江苏美术馆 江苏
2012年“当代精神与现实反映”广州美术学院美术馆 广州
2012年“最绘画”全国青年油画大展入选中国美术馆 北京
2011年中央美术学院研究生班优秀作品展中国美术馆 北京
2008年广东第三届油画大展入选广东博物院 广州
2011年“艺术凤凰”全国青年当代油画大展获优秀奖 中国美术馆
2012年“首届全国中青年油画展”获优秀奖 大芬美术馆深圳
2016年第六届广东当代艺术大展创作奖 关山月美术馆
Yang Guoqiang was born in Guangdong 1983, heearned his BA degree from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Oil Painting, latergot his master degree from Central Academy of Fine Arts. Now he is teaching inart school in Guangzhou, the designated artist in Foshan Creative School andthe cultivated artist of National Artist Raising Plan. Yang is the member of ChinaArtists Association, received many awards in art, organized and participate inquite a lot solo shows and group shows throughout China.
赵永军Zhao Yongjun
1970年生于新疆 ,1994年毕业于新疆艺术学院美术系油画专业 ,广东美术家协会会员。
1993年--- “新疆青年油画展”。
1993年--- 新疆艺术学院“六人油画展”
1999年--- “广东省庆祝建国50周年美术作品展”。
2000年--- “广东省当代油画展”。
2002年--- 广东省“时代的节奏”写生作品展。
2003年--- “广东省第二届当代油画展”。
2004年--- “庆祝建国55周年广东省美术作品展”。
2006年--- 广东省庆祝长征胜利70周年美术作品展。
2007年--- 清风来涵——赵永军写意油画个展。(广州君涵画廊)
2007年--- 希望的田野—庆贺广东省美协成立50周年作品展。
2008年--- 广东省第三届油画大展。
2011年--- 上海春季沙龙展。
Zhao Yongjun was born in Xinjiang 1970, graduatedin Xinjiang Arts University, majored in Oil Painting. He is now professor in thecollege and member of Guangdong Artists Association. Zhao has been participatedin many honorable art shows and his works were reported in many magazines suchas “Meishu”, “Zhuangshi” and “LEAP”, and published by South China University ofTechnology Press.
刘庆文Liu Qingwen
2017年7月广州 “流光溢彩”美术大展
2014年11月广州 “师者大雅”美术展
Liu Qingwen was born in Guangdong 1978. Hegraduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Oil Painting. With presence inart shows throughout China, Liu is rising from the community with his ownstyle. His paintings are created with lines between the real and the fabulous,the scene is incorporated into 3D to make it illusion. His works not onlydeliver the vision effect, but also express his ideas of phenomenon amongpeople, culture and society.
本画廊是一个集展览、鉴赏、交流、收藏、休闲于一体的多功能画廊。位于风景美丽的麓湖之畔—广州艺术博物院二楼,北面靠着著名风景区白云山,南面靠越秀山公园,四通八达,交通便利, 展厅高雅,设备精专,是书画展览的理想场地,场外配大型停车场免费停车。