2020-10-17 18:52:43
Being a composer of a range of music, including orchestral, instrumental, educational, and new original stage musicals, British talented musician Mr. Gary Sanderson's recent performed (Shanghai, Hong Kong, UK) full length stage musicals acquired massive success. Welcome to join NSO Show Choir and Musicals! We invited various professionals overseas to teach singing, dancing and acting.
作为一名全方位作曲家,英国皇家音乐学院天才音乐人Gary Sanderson先生近年开始他的原创音乐剧生涯,其中5部作品在上海,香港,伦敦以及东南亚地区巡回公演,票房获得巨大反响和好评。特别是剧中音乐也获得谭盾等音乐人极力推崇,其中The Incident在伦敦西区受到业界瞩目,被媒体誉为当年最受欢迎剧目之一。
欢迎才华横溢的小朋友加入我们专业NSO歌舞团! NSO歌舞团邀约具海外背景的专业老师教授,每年多次和乐团一起同台演出,并选拔演,歌,舞优异的小朋友参加Gary Sanderson原创音乐剧公演。我们歌舞团已多次在英国,香港和上海巡回演出,受到一致好评!
NSO Show Choir & Musical Director
NSO 歌舞团音乐剧执教导演
Weilin 陈韦伶(TAI WAN 台湾)
Graduating from AMDA (American Musical and Dramatic Academy) integrated (musical) program. Had lived in New York for more than 9 years, very fluent in both Mandarin and English. Having a lot of stage, television and film shooting experiences,including both acting and producing aspects. During the time in New York, apart from having studied in AMDA, also graduated from CUNY with double degree inActuarial Science and Economics.
台湾艺人,毕业于纽约AMDA音乐剧表演科,在美国纽约居住 9 年,中英文流畅,有许多幕前及幕后「舞台」演出及「电视电影拍摄」相关经验,在美期间除了在表演艺术学校研习外,并获得纽约市立大学精算及经济学双学士学位。温柔美颜的韦伶老师深受各年龄孩子们的喜爱。