
2021-11-22 19:42:44



2018年3月18日 20:30


价格:80元(预售) 100元(现场)




LORNOAR is a singer, songwriter and dancer from Cameroon. Born and raised in Yaoundé, the capital city, she began her career at an early age. She made her debut as a professional singer in 2007, being featured in a prominent night-club of the town. At the same time she was hired by a famous band which offered her the opportunity to tour extensively throughout the country and to back vocally most of Cameroon’s greatest singers.




她从上帝和日常生活中寻找灵感,通过她的身体,这些灵感慢慢酝酿成强烈以及美丽的歌词。她的歌曲描绘着安慰、爱情、抛弃、嫉妒、对上帝的寻找,同时她也积极为妇女、儿童发声,控诉着性骚扰与暴力的。在她的音乐中,你能够听到不同的元素:波萨诺瓦、爵士、雷鬼、流行,以及makossa, batanga, ekank, ekomot, mbalax, bikutsi. 从小的舞台表演经历让如今的她有着极强的舞台表现力,能够与不同的音乐人合作,也能满足不同观众的音乐需求,在欧洲和美国都获得了巨大的成功。

She writes strong and beautiful lyrics inspired by God as well as daily life: the need for consolation, love, abandon, jealousy, the quest for God, but also sexual harassment, fighting violence against women, fighting intolerance and the use of children as suicide bombers. Her music is made of various rhythms: from bikutsi to bossa nova, through makossa, batanga, ekank, ekomot, mbalax and reggae, even highlife and pop. From her cabaret years she has retained a strong stage presence and the ability to adapt to any kind of musicians and audiences, which she experienced with great success in Europe and in USA.



LORNOAR’s every single show builds on the legacy of African oral heritage.


“I sing to glorify my native language, my culture and my country. I am proud of being an African woman and I do my best to be as pure as gold and as black as Africa. I compose, I sing and I dance to preserve this purity and authenticity from all perversions that today threaten this culture which is a part of humankind”.




2012年1月,她发行了第一支音乐视频“Ote Ben Ma”,4月发行热门歌曲“ZEN”的音乐视频,电视节目“Rendez-vou with Lornoar”被国家电视台频道广播。


2014年她受邀去纽约,在Harlem和Greenwich Village的不同场地演出,并且获得巨大成功。在纽约停留期间,她还与MBAPPE的伟大贝斯手以及迈克尔杰克逊的御用打击乐手Bashiri JOHNSON合作录制了她的第二张专辑“100%”。

2014年10月, Decade for People of African Descent”正式启动仪式上,演唱了新歌“Pupuma”(自由),从那时起,她在欧洲和非洲国家进行大范围巡演。



In 2010 she took part in the nation-wide competition of female voices “MASSAO” in Douala, winning the First prize.

In July 2011, she released her first solo album, earning numerous hyperbolic reviews. Her first video clip “Ote Ben Ma” was released in January 2012 and in April she broadcasted a second clip with her hit song “ZEN”. A popular TV show “Rendez-vous with Lornoar” has been aired on the National TV Channel.

In September and November 2012 she performed her first concerts in Paris: Trois Mailletz, China, Bus Palladium, African Music Hall, etc.

In 2014 she was invited to New York, having gigs with great success in different venues in Harlem and Greenwich Village. During her stay she recorded her second album «100%» under the supervision of the great bass player from Cameroon Francis MBAPPE and Michael JACKSON’s percussionist Bashiri JOHNSON (including the popular title and musical video “Moment in The Sun”, featuring US hip hop star Freedom WILLIAMS).

The same year, on December 10th, she performed before the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York her new song “Pupuma” (Freedom) at the Official Launch of the International Decade for People of African Descent. Since then she has toured extensively in Europe and African countries. 

In July 2017, LORNOAR represented her country Cameroon in the ”Chanson” category at the 8th Francophony Games held in Abidjan - Ivory Coast. She has been officially selected for the 10th edition of MASA (Marché des Arts du Spectacle Africain), World’s greatest market for African Performing Arts (March 2018 -- Abidjan).



Lead, guitar : LORNOAR 
Guitar, Choir, Balafon: Michel MBARGA

Percussions, Choir : Georges ONGUENE









票价:80rmb(预售) 100rmb(现场)





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