Logan's PUNCH音乐大事件 | Sunday Night with Music and Fun

2021-03-10 05:31:13







What‘s the most important thing in a bar?

Intoxicating atmosphere?

Tasty alcohol?

Good looking girls?

But above all,MUSIC!!!




“Music is about human beings communicating with each other,” said Andrew Dubber

The magic behind creating the perfect musical environment for a bar is one-part art and one-part science, with a solid set of tracks a bar can elevate its audience from ho-hum to extraordinary




Music pairing with alcohol, it’s the best combination ever.

If you don’t know how to dance, then take couple of drinks you will get “liquid courage” 


Logan’s PUNCH的周末现场音乐派对,既有悠扬惬意的放松、袅袅余音般撩人、更有纵情肆意的激情。

为你演绎这些的特别嘉宾是Sunday Night Duo

女主唱Anne, 人称“热辣天后”天籁般的嗓音搭配热情洋溢的性格,所到之处皆如众星拱月。Anne的风格百变混搭,清音独唱时hold住全场,与人搭档时不露锋芒,可谓全能型天后

At Logan’s PUNCH Sunday night, we organize some cheerful and relaxing live music for you.

About our guest performing band:

We want to introduce you to our soul group “Sunday Night Duo

Vocalist Anne,"The TROPICAL DIVA“ has a bubbly personality a songbird voice. Her vocals are clean and has everything it takes to call her self a DIVA. She has great rapport with the makings of a great singer and combines well with the other front-line also called Diva.

Anne has a smooth and very refined voice that charms the audience whenever she takes on the mic to belt out the notes. She belts out her notes easily and effortlessly. She answers requests willingly and interacts with her audience, often resulting in their coming back for more.


But that’s not it! Keyboard players often get forgotten about. They usually sit at the back of the stage and have little focus from the audience. But not this time! Now it’s time for him to step out from the shadows and take his turn at the stage spotlight. The “SOUL KEYBOARDIST” Paul!

Sunday Night Duo结合了Anne与Paul,组合同时兼具了好看的外表和有趣的灵魂。每一首歌都直击内心的深处,Logan’s PUNCH邀你参加这场视听盛宴,就在本周日,千万不要错过,快来现场感受一番吧!

With such beautiful live music

Together with Logan's customized cocktails

You will find

Even Sunday’s night can be fun!

再提醒一句,3月17日的圣帕特里克节,只要你穿绿戴绿就能获得一杯免费的Jameson Shot哦~更多精彩活动详见海报

For Logan’s PUNCH St. Patrick’s Day Party, wearing GREEN, get a free Jameson Shot!

Logan's PUNCH



Address: Room 202, Block A, No.99 Taixing Rd

Jing'an District, Shanghai

Tel: 021-62485928

Email: Info@loganspunch.com

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