Thur. 24th May 2018
今天我们要介绍的是两位迷人的人气偶像歌手霉霉和水果姐,主题是他们的原因不仅是因为他们的歌比较~赞,也是因为他们冰释前嫌的消息震动了粉丝。最近,Taylor Swift在个人社交网站上分享了一段感谢凯蒂·佩里 (Katy Perry) 的视频:“我刚到化妆间,发现了这个橄榄枝花环,这对我来说意义重大”。花环中有一封水果姐亲笔信:“嘿,老朋友,我一直在思考我们之间过去的误会和感情,希望可以冰释前嫌……”
Red/Taylor swift
关于他们的摩擦对于关注过的人们来讲,其实已经过了四年之久,也算是"活久见“系列的内容,所以今天的这个八卦也是开心的八卦。关注点在这两位优秀迷人的流行歌手的歌曲上,第一首是来自Taylor Swift 的Red,自己并不是Taylor的粉丝,但这首却很抓耳。Red也是最爱的一首之一,话不多说,今天的十点音乐开启啦~
Z:Hello,everybody,welcome to music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station,I’m Atlanta.
Y:Hi,I’m Alisa.Today we share a big news with you.Taylor and Katy are reconciled with each other.
Z:Yeah, when I heard the news for the first time.I think it's so amazing.
Y:The plot turns too fast.Today let's recollect their classic songs together.
Z:The first song is Taylor’s Red.That is because the song I fell in love with Taylor.
Z:But I still think it's a very pleasant song.Red是我的入坑曲,it opened the door of Taylor's music for me.
Y:And it's really not easy for her to go all the way.经得起多少诋毁就得经得起多少赞美
Z:All you ever wanted was right there in front of you.
Y:Let's enjoy more.
关于为什么Katy Perry被叫成水果姐其实很难想,第一次知道Katy Perry看着她的照片和MV觉得,啊这么叫没错。这次也是特意查了她叫这个的原因,几年前特别流行的糖果色和MV里丰富的水果元素,长发时期的她也真的是黑发碧眼。
Dark horse/Katy Perry
Z:Taylor Swift represents the American dream,and Katy Perry represents the American spirit,独立强大的精神。
Y:It sounds reasonable .and the second song is Dark horse.
Z:Dark horse,黑马,出人意料的获胜者.I think neither the lyrics or movie are related to love stories.
Y:I'm bound to say the movie is so great.The sudden change of the picture is very fast.
Z:Some time I feel that she doesn't have enough talent.But she have the strength,a earnest singer.
Y:先天不足,就要后天努力,水果姐真的是一个很棒的singer.Let's continue to enjoy it.
You belong with me - Taylor Swift
Z:Maybe we have known that it’s another song from Taylor,and her fans,have it enlightened you?
Y:It’s said that Taylor got inspired when she heard a conversation just like the lyric goes.
Z: Close your eyes,give me your hand,darling,do you feel my heart beating,you belong with me.
Y:Wow,that song,I know it,it interluded in Fantasy Novels.I love the word,you belong with me.
Z:The guy is explaining away and the girl keep shouting,the melody is lively,it’s just opposite to the later one.
Y:Taylor is one of the most popular singers,her works are great.时隔3年,昔日的邻家女孩儿转眼以暗黑系风格回归,全新专辑《Reputation》自发布以来就受到了各方好评
Z:She seems never to lose her youthful vigor,how about more dynamic songs?
You belong with me,Taylor的这首和吸血鬼日记里的意境完全不同。You belong with me 不是You belong to me 的意思,with的感觉更多一些 ♥ 看过Caroline表白Matt那段的清唱的小伙伴们,这首歌的歌词一定很难忘吧。
至于泰勒的这首,说是灵感来自于偶然间听到的对话,这首歌曲的MV她的形象很多人表示喜欢~那张好不容易终于亮相的 I Love You 让人感动 更让人惊艳,来自粉丝的乐评,流行歌曲也是见仁见智,喜欢就好
Teenage Dream : 一场几乎完美的梦
2008年,凭借一首I kissed a girl 红遍全球,水果姐姐当仁不让的成了流行女歌手大军里的排头兵,把玩着美国七 八十年代的复古性感style,美国流行音乐注入了新鲜的血液。这首Teengae Dream真假声的交替演唱效果很好,也是这首歌让人记住的亮点之一。
Teenage Dream – Katy Perry
Z:If you are at leisure yet have no interest in pondering over questions,how about listen some music?
Y:Katy Perry’s are the best choices.This song is named Teenage Dream.
Z: 黑发碧眼的美女,让我在这个夏初时节,内心感觉到了丰盛和久违的活力。
Y:This name is not only a song,but also an album.
Z: It published in 2010,and heated the whole summer.
Y: 纵观整张专辑,带着夏日的气息,Teenage Dream开头的假音运用自如,副歌部分强而有力。
Z:And Alisa,do you know why Katy is also called 水果姐Maybe that is only called in China.
Y:And maybe also because pinky color appears so much,and in an award ceremony ,she said,I love fruit...
Z: And there are many fruits as elements in her video.When we talked about Katy Perry ,we may think of Taylor all the time.They are so different ,and so alike.
Y:But no matter how their relationship is,there is no doubt they are great pop singers.They are indispensable. And now ,more Teenage Dream ,together.
Love Story – Taylor Swift
这里的MV也是剧情很丰富 弹幕上都说演技爆棚的一首歌曲,在还没看过这个之前,Taylor 骑着白马的样子也深入我心,Taylor的MV里出现的比较多的也是公主形象,而在上一首她的歌曲里戴眼镜的她也是不同的美丽,
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
这里的几句总是让人忍不住跟着,砸车的部分让人心疼,这位流行金曲女王在今天的成就,也是和Katy Perry一样,真正切合了歌迷的心。也会有人叫她们Drama Queens,有人不爱听他们的歌,也有人不太了解,不过有时恰好听到的时候,也想知道歌曲的名字。无论哪一种 自己开心就OK 开头是Katy和Kitten 结尾交给Taylor的笔芯
Z:This love is difficult but real,when she write down the ending,she thought it was the end every girl longing for.
Z:Thank you for your listening, and welcome to follow our WeChat offical account with interests
All:See you next time.
编辑 | Yuki