3.31 | 瑞典电子音乐制作最高水准——Pär Grindvik | KONEKT x 4x4x4x4 pres.

2022-05-09 01:35:26

KONEKT x 4x4x4x4  pres.




从唱片店老板、音乐发行厂牌经营者到享誉世界的DJ/制作人,从90年代开始,与Adam Beyer, Joell Mull, Cari Lekebusch比肩齐名的Pär Grindvik就代表着瑞典制造的最高水准。

3月31日周六Arkham上海,Konekt将与上海老伙伴4x4x4x4联合呈现,Max Shen与Hu Yang将同台出演。

After the last successful cooperation for Markus Suckut, Konekt Asia teams up again with Shanghai’s 4x4x4x4 to present the Swedish legend Pär Grindvik. 
On 31st March Saturday at Arkham, main artists of two teams, Max Shen and Hu Yang will share the decks with him.

Pär Grindvik被视为瑞典电子音乐文化圈的核心人物,从一位唱片店老板到音乐发行厂牌经营者到享誉世界的DJ/制作人。在他的音乐艺术生涯中,在每一个关键节点,他都呈现了令人叹为观止历久弥新的重要作品。无论在以他自己为中心创立的Stockholm LTD,或是与Hardcell在Drumcode的联合项目,又或是近来的发行在厂牌比如Semantica, Marbacka, Sinister和Dystopian。

创立于2002年的Stockholm LTD,最初只是为瑞典制作人发行唱片的平台,严苛的作品筛选理念,渐渐地已经发展成为一系列国际音乐艺术家共同精心制作的电子音乐标杆厂牌。另一方面,对于尚处地下的优秀制作人,他也不遗余力地支持和挖掘,这种难得的品质,在如今复杂的电子音乐产业环境中并不多见。
作为一名超过20年巡演世界的DJ,Pär Grindvik的高知名度不仅在于他娴熟的技巧和透彻的舞池理解力,还因为他在每一场演出中都投入了巨大的热情和情感,这种巧妙的组合使他能把自我表达和能量带给世界上最好的俱乐部。

Pär Grindvik has been a central figure in the Swedish electronic scene since the 90s as record store owner, label manager and producer. In his artistic career Pär has released music across a plethora of acclaimed electronic labels, including a string of hits on his own Stockholm LTD imprint as well as Drumcode, with frequent collaborator Hardcell. Pär’s recent output has seen him contribute music to labels such as Semantica, Marbacka, Sinister and Dystopian.

Founded in 2002, Stockholm LTD began as an outlet for singles and EPs from Swedish artists with a focus on releasing timeless electronic music. It has since developed into a hallmark for finely crafted electronic music from a range of international artists.

Over the past two decades Pär’s involvement with the electronic music community has branched out across the globe. Openly passionate about supporting underground talent, Pär works closely with an ever-expanding repertoire of labels and artists.

As a DJ Pär tours the world, transporting his deft and uniquely dynamic DJ sets to techno fans internationally and on a weekly basis. His worldwide popularity as a performer stems not only from his skill and versatility but also as a result of the energy he puts into every performance. It's this combination that enables him to bring the heat to the best clubs in the world.

Pär continues to serve as one of the most exciting and hardworking contributors to the scene. Every inch of Pär’s work, including labels, artwork, release info and music, is wrapped with heart and emotion, a quality which keeps the sparkle and curiosity alive within the ever changing adaptations of the artistic world.



中国非教父级DJ,非传奇DJ,闯荡欧洲、日本、韩国、印度非第一人,运营活动厂牌4x4x4x4,开展和世界大陆的电子音乐文化交流,被欧洲,日本,韩国朋友誉为中国最好的DJ,没有之一(因为他们只认识MAX SHEN)

MAX SHEN在中国众多前辈传奇艺人和众多喜欢洒矿泉水的青年俊才中脱颖而出,他始终坚持一种虚怀若谷的谦虚精神,认为DJ只是一个工种,和烤羊肉串一样的,他邀请合作国际人不计其数,确从不拍合影。

Max Shen was born in Shanghai. He runs Arkham club and set up electronic music group 4x4x4x4. He carrys out the development of house/ techno dance in China and introduces current electronic music artists exchanges and acts as the DJ of Asians Vibes for Asia techno vanguard group. He is also regular visitor of current art-multimedia activities for  interdisciplinary performance artist Tian Zhuo Chen(ASIANDOPEBOYS), Zhang Ding’s series of “Enter the Dragon”, 021 Art Fair and Madeln etc and music festival for “Strawberry” “Modernsky” “Intro” “Boiler Room Beijing China“etc. He will sign Italian music label Digital Traffik and star his new journey in Europe.
Early on, Max was deeply affected by Sasha & John Digweed. He began to show as DJ in 2000 and got crush on British avant-garde of the day for John Digweed’s bedrock label company, Dave Seamman and Steve Lawler etc. Minimalism influnced the music trend of world and Max Shen in 2007 through time and change. He has insisted on the house/Techno music of Germany and Middle Europe combining dark and deep Bass Line and voice of technology into stage from Drity House to Dub Techno for ten years.



作为如今亚洲电子音乐先锋平台Konekt Asia的联合创始人兼A&R,使他成为中国电子音乐交流的重要入口和出口之一。
他的声音有着极高的辨识度:深邃、大气和复杂而特别的审美。在2015年,他完成了他的Analog Live Act首演和巡回,为Electric Rescue和Satoshi Fumi制作了Remix;他的最近一张五单曲EP“虚怀若谷”在2016年4月于Be Sure(德国)发行,而更多唱片发行即将揭晓。毫无疑问,Hu Yang是一位在不久的将来值得期待的中国电子音乐人。

Being a core member of Footprint China before and a present co-founder of Konekt Asia, he has become one of the major figures connecting China with the World electronic music scene.
His sound is very specific: deep, complex, bringing special atmosphere and aesthetic. In 2015 he made his debut analog live act, remixes for Electric Rescue and Satoshi Fumi. His latest 5 tracks EP “Xu Huai Ruo Gu” was released on April 2016 through Berlin’s Be Sure. Without a doubt he is someone to watch for.



目前为止4x4x4x4已经成功邀请 Arnoud Le Texier / Barnt / ShinNishimura / Deepbass / Freddie Glitch /等一系列国际音乐人登陆上海。我们更期待能将本土纯正电子音乐文化输送出国际,并且向全世界优秀俱乐部展示中国优秀电子音乐人,使中国电子音乐文化与国际接轨 。

4x4x4x4 promoted the pure electronic dance music culture focused in Shanghai since 2013 (Minimal / House / Techno). We do not only dedicate to promoting local outstanding electronic musicians, but also keep good relationships in cultural exchanges with international electronic music party labels, and have artists from both parts for international exchanges on electronic music art.
So far, we have successfully invited a series of international musicians such as Arnoud Le Texier / Barnt / ShinNishimura / Deepbass / Freddie Glitch / Drunken Kong / Audiohell / James What / Basti Grub / Marco Effe / Ron Costa / DoomWork / Yoshi Horno / Elvis.T / Joachim Spieth / Alex Bau / Anri / Marcus Surcut / Del Horno to communicate performance.

日期  Date

March 31th Sat. 10:00PM - late

3月31日 周六晚10点至深夜

   地点 VENUE   

ARKHAM, 168 Julu Lu, Shanghai 


   门票 TICKET   

预售票Presale: 70 RMB
现场票Door: 100 RMB


   阵容 LINEUP   

Pär Grindvik

Max Shen

Hu Yang


Event This Week

Arkham pres.

Alexander Lewis


本月Arkham最 WTF 的音乐现场



Alexander Lewis掌控。

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从Trap到电子, 彻夜不眠


   日期 DATE   

March 29th Thu. 10:00PM - late

3月29日 周四晚10点至深夜

   门票 TICKET   

预售票Presale: 80 RMB
现场票Door: 100 RMB


Daily Vinyl pres.

Count Bass D

时间 Time

March 30th Fri. 10:00PM - late

3月30日 周五晚10点至深夜

   地点 VENUE   

ARKHAM, 168 Julu Lu, Shanghai 


   门票 TICKET   

预售票Presale: 120 RMB
现场票Door: 150 RMB


   阵容 LINEUP   













A. 4月所有月卡会员免票入场ARKHAM 4月26和27日的派对

a/ Apr: Free entry to Aprils' ARKHAM present party on 4.26th and 4. 27th.



B. 每场畅饮三杯全月通用

(不限使用人数, 还能灌醉朋友)

b/ Arkham 3 drinks of all activities common to all(Not limited only one user)



C.  每周三随机抽取若干会员免票入场听说「买过月卡的这月都中奖了」

c/ Every Wednesday randomly selected members will be given free entry every week.



D. 不限使用人,可转让。


d/ Transferable to others  (Friends can take turns)



E. 免费寄存特权,一卡一箱。


d/ Free deposit.(One card for one box.)


Long press on the QR code to purchase  Drink Cards

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- Click the poster to learn more -

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