【George T. Gregory】布鲁斯萨克斯风·Blues Saxophone

2021-02-12 19:17:32

The Blues is such a great style of music because it provides a vehicle to convey many emotions. I have hand picked some of my favorite blues numbers . as well as some classic jazz ballads and good old R&B tunes to get you up and movin. Hope you enjoy these and thank you for listening...

---- George T. Gregory

5月20日晚上八点,美国爵士乐大师乔治 T. 格雷戈里再次回到TCG诺地卡的舞台上,他将用萨克斯独特的风格让昆明人近距离感受一回美国萨克斯大师的激情与风采。同时乔治先生演奏蓝调、灵魂爵士和新奥尔良风格的摇滚原创和翻唱歌曲组合。他的风趣幽默的演奏和持续长调,将引动在场人的投入和欢呼,让每一位观众尽情投入到萨克斯激情的曲调中。

May 20, Saturday at 20:00, the United States jazz master George T. Gregory come back again to the TCG Nordica stage, He will let Kunming audience feel the America Jazz and passion by saxophone unique style . At the same time Mr. George will play the blues, the soul jazz and the New Orleans style rock. Welcome enjoy the saxophone with us at TCG Nordica. 

美国爵士乐大师---- 乔治 T.格雷戈里

乔治 T.格雷戈里 是一名萨克斯风手,同时也是乐队主唱。 他的乐队曾在美国多地进行过巡演,音乐风格丰富而富有内涵,囊括了现代R&B,电子蓝调,灵魂爵士和新奥尔良风格的摇滚原创和翻唱歌曲组合。 乔治还担任着旧金山湾N.A.R.A.S(全国录音艺术科学院)分理事会的理事,曾导演过两次格莱美奖晚宴全明星乐队演出。乔治于2006年发布了他的新专辑“生命的爱”,在苹果iTunes,亚马逊和各大网站都有销售。

American Jazz Master :George T. Gregory

George T. Gregory is a saxophonist and director of the San Francisco Bay N.A.R.A.S (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) sub-council. He has directed two Grammy Awards all-star band shows. George in 2006 released his new album "Love of Life", which is available on Apple iTunes, Amazon and many website.

长久以来,乔治丰富的音乐内涵备受赞誉,让聆听过他现场的观众都欢呼雀跃,大呼过瘾。作为芝加哥乐队James Cotton Blues Band 的一名成员,乔治和乐队曾经有过美国巡演和加拿大巡演。乔治一度被评为 最佳蓝调音乐专辑《The James Cotton乐队现场》的最佳乐手。乔治的乐队常在各大主流音乐活动中频频出现,并总是作为特邀嘉宾参与其中,如蒙特里爵士音乐节和旧金山蓝调音乐节。

George and his band have been on performance tours in different places in the United States  and Canada. He was named the best musician for the"The James Cotton" of the Buddha Records blues album and was invited to attend the Monterey Jazz Festival and the San Francisco blues festival as a honored guest.

  萨克斯风手/Saxophonist George T. Gregory 

  时间/Time2017/5/20   20:00

  网址/Web:  www.tcgnordica.com
  门票/Ticket: 预售/Presale:80 RMB
                        现场/At Door:100 RMB
                        学生/Student:60 RMB
  微店/WeChat store: tcgnordica 

  ADD:TCG Nordica Culture Center,Chuangku,Xiba Road NO.101.Kunming.




Jazz comes from the United States during the late 19th and early 20th century. Bornin the southern port city of New Orleans, Jazz's foundation is Blues and Ragtime. Jazz is an exaggeration of improvisation. It is based on the Shuffle rhythm with swing characteristics and is a combination of African and European culture.


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