【周三】音乐,作曲与情感 | Music, Composition and Emotion

2020-07-27 02:52:20

Topic / 话题

We hear music in our daily lives. We have all noticed when music makes us feel pumped up and excited. Music can also make us relax, happy, and sad. There are so many emotions music can bring about in us. Most popular music nowadays is perfectly written to be catchy and geared to make as much money as possible (at least the stuff that comes out of most record labels). My personal experience with writing music is a bit different. I started writing music when I was 19. I had quit piano years ago and I just started picking it up again. I wrote my emotion into my music and I could hear a tune in my head that I needed to write out. I imagine it is like this for many artists. 
This week, we talk about what our favorite music is? why we like it? and how do people compose it? This event I will also play my music for everyone.
我们在日常生活中听音乐。音乐能让我们感到兴奋,音乐也能让我们放松,快乐,以及悲伤。音乐能带给我们很多情绪。如今,大多数流行音乐都被创作的很完美,吸引人们的眼球,并尽可能多的赚钱(至少是大多数唱片公司的产品)。但我个人写音乐的经历有一点不同。 我19岁时开始写音乐。几年前我就放弃了钢琴,之后我又重新开始弹奏钢琴。我把我的情感写进了我的音乐里,我能听到我脑子里的一个曲调,我需要把它创作出来。我设想很多艺术家也是这样的。 

Hold to register / 扫描报名

Wechat / 咨询微信:fish_alex

Attention / 注意事项

Self-introduction & Warming up
Topic sharing & discussion

Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30

Host / 分享人

Kyle Speroff
I recently arrived in Beijing 6 months ago. I like travel and good conversations. I used to box back home. I also play and compose music.

Event / 活动信息

Time / 时间
Every Wed. 7:00pm - 9:00pm
每周三 19:00点 - 21:00点
Fee / 费用
Pay for your own orders
Address / 地址
Galaxy Soho A, Dongcheng district, address notified after registration
朝阳门银河soho, 具体地址报名后通知

Past events / 往期活动

What is loneliness? | 孤独是什么?

美食与吃货双语沙龙精彩回顾 | Food & Foodie

金风玉露,却抵不过媒妁之言 | My parents disapprove of my relationship

感恩节沙龙精彩回顾 | Thanksgiving's Day English Salon




PET Bilingual Salon / PET双语沙龙

PET Bilingual Salon is a decentralized sharing event that meets up weekly to exchange ideas on one intriguing topic. Here, you can meet new people from around the world and practice your communication skills. We started from 2011, now have been growing into a popular social event for exchanging ideas and language in Beijing.
How does it work? / 如何工作的?
You could register by holding Qrcode or add wechat 【fish_alex】, then find the venue according to the marked map or detailed guidelines, sign in and order a coffee/beer/meal..., then join a group to talk! We recommend showing up on time, or you will miss some important sections.
Each topic is prepared by the participants, you are welcome to be the host, if you have time, and share your stories, experiences, concerns or even some specialized knowledge.
Where are we meeting? / 活动地点在哪里?
Our events are held in the relaxed and cozy environment, such as a cafe, bookstore or bar. We want to take you far away from the office/home and let you enjoy a interesting talk with different people!
What language do you need to speak? / 应该说什么语言?
English and Chinese are both ok, but your ideas, experiences and stories are more important.
PET 后英语时代

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