2022-04-07 23:03:49
2016上海亚洲音乐节特别节目 《马晓晖二胡拥抱经典旋律 琴弦● 心弦 在水一方》新年祝福音乐会,这是上海民族乐团著名二胡演奏家马晓晖的又一个跨界创新节目,作为迎接新年的温馨献礼!马晓晖用她独特的游历世界的视角和艺术领悟,用古典二胡重温上个世纪铭记于心的经典旋律。借助马晓晖柔美、细腻的鲜活二胡演绎,为广大音乐爱好者呈现出一场“古典与时尚交融”、“时光与记忆交错”“琴弦与心弦碰撞”的音乐盛宴。
2016 Shanghai Asian Music Festival Special Program
Concert Introduction
The 2016 Shanghai Asian Music Festival Special Program is titled "Erhu Virtuoso Ma Xiaohui Embraces East-West Beautiful Songs: Heartstrings on the Other Side of the Water." This is a new creative cross-cultural program to welcome the New Year. Ma Xiaohui has performed around the world developing a unique perspective and understanding of the arts and music, using the Chinese traditional classic Erhu to capture East-West classical melodies from the last century.
The Erhu in Ma Xiaohui’s hands provides a warm, tender, lively and deeply moving musical experience. Her audiences enjoy a blend of classical and popular performances, triggering beautiful heart memories – a feast for the soul. For this concert, Ma Xiaohui will offer Erhu melodies, poetry, song and dance, as well as a new interpretation of superstar Deng Li Jun’s (Teresa Teng’s) most famous pieces. With her two strings, Ma Xiaohui will connect with Deng Li Jun – two outstanding female artists who are full of wit and wisdom, soft and beautiful, intelligent and sensitive. She will invoke the golden years of Deng Li Jun with sweet memories and melodies.
In addition, Ma Xiaohui is a “Cultural Ambassador” who has a mission to present the best of Chinese art and music to the world. She has invited both Western musicians and Chinese students to participate in this multi-cultural concert. Her goal is to lead the audience to experience and appreciate traditional classical music with passion and deep understanding. By sharing Chinese music and culture in this creative way she melts the hearts of audiences around the world.
左:民谣吉他弹唱 Dr. Tim Kelly 中:二胡演奏家马晓晖 右:夏威夷吉他弹唱 Dr. Bryan Clark
《梦之队》左:古典吉他 陈泰来
马老师与上海理工大学 中英国际学院《复兴晖音艺术工作室》志愿者团队正在为音乐会紧张工作中