歌里说 "我说, 所有的酒都不如你!"
如果你的生命中有位可以让你对 他/她 说出这句话的人, 那你一定是个幸福的人! 如果你的 他/她 还没有出现, 不要焦急, 我想 他/她 一定在飞驰而来的路上.
"春风十里"- Covered by "直面乐队"-漫画风~~~
鼓: 77; 吉他: 师父 & 吴老师; 主唱: 大师兄
(原作: 鹿先森乐队)
分享一段来自美剧 "How I Met You Mother" 里面的经典对白.
"I was heading upstate to my parents' house doing, like, 90 on this country road, and I got pulled over. So this cop gets out of his car. He kind of swaggers on over and he's, like, "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." So I looked up at him and I said, "I'm so sorry, Officer. I got here as fast as I could."
"It's an old joke. I know that you're tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but she's on her way. And she's getting here as fast as she can. "
千里之外, 我都不离开.
关注回声音乐, 让我们通过音乐相识, 相知~~~
"回声音乐"-不只是音乐 (Echo Music, Beyond Music)
(专业"架子鼓", "吉他" 培训, 音乐爱好者的聚集地)
地点:厦⻔市海沧区 彼岸Patio 385号201---“回声音乐 Echo Studio"