
2020-11-20 19:55:21

Texas Teenager Rocks the Blues With New Album

Ally Venable plays guitar with the skill that requires a lot of talent and usually many years of practice.But she packed a lot of practice into a few years.
Ally Venable现在弹奏吉他的水平,若不是才华横溢外加多年苦练,恐怕很难达到。可她通过大量的练习,没几年就做到了。
“I have been playing since I was about 11 or 12, so, roughly four or five years, so.”
She also wrote most of the songs on her recently released CD, No Glass Shoes.
“…but it’s too much to do…”
“I try to write what goes on in my life so that other people, other teenagers, and anybody can relate to, because we all go through the same things,and we all have like troubles and struggles.”
When she plays, she gets lost in the music.
“I really don’t look at anything else when I’m playing.I just get into the zone, where you just play, you don’t think about anything else.”
“I love to find little kids cause I’m wireless, you know, play for them.And I will let them play my guitar just so I can, just so they can experience that as a little kid, you know.”
Some veteran musicians in Houston have given her help including musician and Recording Studio owner, Rock Romano, who produced her CD.
休斯顿的一些资深音乐家都曾帮助过她,这其中就包括音乐家及一间录影棚的老板——Rock Romano,她的唱片就是Romano帮忙制作的。
“I jokingly told her afterwards, we need to call this band 1771,because she just turned 17, and I just turned 71!”
“You can just tell that she loves what she is doing and just radiates that from the stage.”
“She’s young, and I just can’t wait to hear her, you know, two or three years from now.”
“Sometimes I wonder…”
As she finishes her senior year of high school, Ally Venable is spending many weekends playing venues as far away as Florida,building an even bigger fan base.
高中最后一年结束之后,好几个周末Ally Venable都和乐队在外面演出,他们最远到过弗罗里达,为乐队建立更强大的粉丝团。
Reik Flakus, VOA news, Houston



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