6/15:瑞典独立流行 Cornelia Jakobs中国巡演

2022-07-23 04:15:35

Already at the age of seven Cornelia Jakobs entered the music scene performing with her dad's rock band. That is when she realized that the stage is where her home and heart is, and since then there has never been a plan B.

Cornelia Jakobs 是一位来自瑞典的全能型创作人,歌手。 7岁开始登台表演,常为父亲的摇滚乐队 The Poodles(瑞典知名的华丽摇滚、重金属乐团)担任特别嘉宾。那时候,她意识到,舞台是她永恒的归宿和心灵向往之地。从那时候起,她再也没有做过其它的人生规划。

Manse - We Come Alive ft. Cornelia Jakobs

After several years in the industry as a songwriter and being part of various artist constellations, such as the world touring DJ-vocalist duo “Stockholm Syndrome”, Cornelia is now taking her next step as a solo artist with what she describes as “dynamic emotional live music”.

也许对你来说,Cornelia Jakobs 兴许还是一个比较陌生的名字,但是她的从业生涯和她合作过的艺人大家也许都有所耳闻。她曾是瑞典两个知名女子乐团 Love Generation 和 Stockholm Syndrome的核心成员。也曾跟很多电子舞曲音乐人合作过,比如去年与DJManse 合作的热门金曲《WeCome Alive》。从2016年开始,Cornelia Jakobs 逐渐将工作重心放在了个人事业上,她形容自己的音乐是“多变的情绪性现场音乐”。

Cornelia Jakobs - Late Night Stories

During 2018 she will be releasing one single a month, and after only three releases she has been praised by several music magazines and blogs. In addition, she has been chosen as “Artist of the Week” by A&R World. Cornelia has decided to release all music by herself, only working with a small and dedicated team around her for maximal impact.

在2018年期间,她会每月发行一首单曲,仅在发行三首单曲之后,她就受到了一些音乐杂志和音乐博客的好评。此外,她还被 A&R World评为“本周杰出艺术家”。Cornelia 决定独立发行所有的音乐作品,只与周围的一个小型专业团队合作,以获得最大的影响。

Cornelia Jakobs - Lovers on Film

“All I want to do is to be out there on stage performing. That's what I live for. But to actually be able to do that there has to be music out there to perform with. Since I have songs for about three albums the concept of releasing one song each month felt like an ultimate way of getting closer to being out on tour, always” says Cornelia.

“我想要做的就是在舞台上表演。这就是我想追求的生活。但要真正做到这一点,必须有自己创作的音乐。目前我准备了大约三张专辑的歌曲,并践行每个月发行一首歌曲的概念,感觉最后总是在巡演途中完成所有作品的发布。 “Cornelia 说。今次,她将带着自己的新歌以及完整的乐团编制来华巡演。

Spectacles of Sound 荣誉呈现

Cornelia Jakobs 中国巡演

6.15 - 上海 育音堂

6.16 北京 黄昏黎明俱乐部

6.17 长沙 Vox

6.18 广州 Tu凸空间


预售50 / 现场70




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