CHAO CLUB宜昌||中国EDM文化推动者,DJ女王Pinko 11.01 I Will rock your soul

2022-03-18 22:37:24






Chinese DJ queen Pinko, who has been a DJ professional for eight years, the legendary personal charm is not only on the topic and news media, but Pinko has never made a personality, which is fully reflected in her music

Style: hip-hop. EDM. The Trap. Twerk. R&B. House

PINKO 从中国演出跨越到亞洲,


PINKO crossed to Asia from Chinese performances,

From professional musicians to dramatic movie performances, the pursuit of the music front, PINKO got the attention of music fans, and the weibo fans broke over 100,000!

PINKO 从小现在漫长的音乐历程,她算是中国EDM的推动者,DJ AKO曾经在观看了Pinko的现场后赞叹不已,性感的外观和独特的混音技巧让Pinko博得了全世界众多媒体的拥护!

PINKO from long music course now, she is Chinese EDM, DJ AKO have marveled at the scene of the watched PINKO, sexy appearance and unique mixing technique for PINKO impress the numerous media around the world embrace!

I Will rock your soul!

一场属于灵魂的舞池PARTY,11月1日 进入狂欢模式!

A dance PARTY for the soul, which entered the carnival mode on Dem 1th!

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